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Confidentiality Policy :
Your privacy is very important to us. Your personal information will be used, if requested by you, to contact you regarding future programs, contests, promotions and events by FAUBOURG DE L'ÎLE. It will also be used for FAUBOURG DE L'ÎLE’s internal marketing research purposes. From time to time FAUBOURG DE L'ÎLE offers our members an automatic entry to our contests. We will notify you via email that you have been entered. Your personal information will remain confidential to FAUBOURG DE L'ÎLE. It may, however, be disclosed to any entity that acquires FAUBOURG DE L'ÎLE or any of its individual properties provided such entity similarly agrees to protect your privacy. We may also use third parties to process some aspect of the personal information for our use, provided that they similarly agree to protect your privacy. If you have a privacy question or concern you may contact FAUBOURG DE L'ÎLE in writing at the following address: FAUBOURG DE L'ÎLE, 101, Boulevard Cardinal-Léger, Pincourt (Québec) J7W 3Y3.